Monday, June 29, 2015

Typical TOG Shopping Trends.

I love bookstores -- whether they are brick and mortar or the online guilty pleasure known as Amazon.  Last week, I spent some time giving input to a software developer working on a new product, and was rewarded with an Amazon gift card.  Given my propensity for keeping things like gift cards secure by putting them "someplace safe," I felt the only responsible thing was to log on to Amazon immediately, review what was lurking on my wishlist, and exhaust the full $25. 

Sure, I already had two things in the cart, but the total was significantly less than my target, so I glanced at my "Inspired by Your Shopping Trends."  (See photo above.)

If that list doesn't describe a typical Teacher of the Gifted's recent purchases, I don't know what does!

So what am I reading?  Well, this week, it's primarily things that inspire creativity:

The Mouse that Roared
How to Be Like Walt:  Capturing the Disney Magic Every Day of Your Life
Analyzing Social Settings:  A Guide to Qualitative Observation and Analysis
The Death Class:  A True Story About Life

Not your typical summer beach reading, I agree, but much musing is happening in my mind as I cull through these.

Is it any wonder that I might be cooking with unicorn meat by summer's end, while fending off attacks of garden gnomes with elegance and grace?

What would we do without Amazon?

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