Sunday, August 16, 2015

(for the second time)

There is some quote about inspiration and perspiration that makes sense.  Quite frankly, I just don't remember what it is.  My car thermometer reads 101 degrees, and I've just returned from the second shower in 8 days.  (And I'm not talking rubber ducks, here -- last week it was a bridal shower for our soon-to-be daughter-in-law, Bailey, and today it was a baby shower for our soon-to-be-born granddaughter.  Granted, her mother, Jennie, did most of the gift-opening, as Baby Heydt does not currently have much womb left in her current living quarters to store her swag.)  Both events were great fun -- especially collaborating with the moms of my daughters-in-law, to make special memories.

Somehow, I am an adult.  So much so, that my children are now adults as well.  Does it scare you to think that an adult doesn't always think she should be the trusted adult in a given situation, due to lack of experience?  

Yes.  Me, too.

So after cleaning up, and hauling home the leftovers from the aforementioned shower/tea party, (and ordering pizza), I logged on to Facebook to find news of another blog in the world.  I've spent a fair amount of time encouraging others to blog, mostly because of the extraordinary changes that happen to happiness levels while blogging -- which you will be able to read all about, come August 31st, 2015.  Meanwhile, let me share a conversation with a former colleague from last weekend:

I'm looking for inspiration. If I were to start a blog about teaching, college lessons, post-college life, being/trying to be an adult, and anything else I would want to write about, what should I name it?
I've been thinking of starting one for a while, but can't hone in on one good blog name.
Help me, inspiring friends.

Yes, that pretty, young, smart, student teacher from down the hall is all grown up.  Meredith is a hoot and a half, and I've enjoyed keeping in touch with her.  On top of that, she WANTS TO BLOG, and what seemed to be stopping her is a title.  

Susan Heydt Mere Ze Doats, and Other Musings.
Like · Reply · 1 · August 2 at 5:49pm

Heck, her screen name is Mere.  I thought it was cute.

Mere M. Sa I adore reading your blog and inspired me to also create my own! Moriah also thinks I should start one. Unfortunately, I have commitment issues and can't commit to one blog name tongue emoticon
Like · Reply · 1 · August 2 at 5:52pm

Susan Heydt smile emoticon Feeling the love. Don't let the title hang you up. Heck, call it HANG UPS.
Like · Reply · 1 · August 2 at 5:55pm

Mere M. Sa You know...I really dig that. How are you so full of magic?

I'm not sure why Meredith considers me to be full of magic, but it must have rubbed her the right way because today she came out of the blogging closet, so to speak, and wrote her first blog entry.

And she calls the blog - HANGUPSBLOG.

Yes, I am about to be a grandmother (for the second time), and a mother - in - law (for the second time), and I am now, officially, a blog-inspirer.  I feel that things come in threes, and that there is at least ONE other friend out there for whom I can be labelled "blog-inspirer, so that I may add (for the second time) to my resume.

It's what we, as teachers do, every single day.  Inspire.  I've been on summer vacation, and need some help getting past the perspiration thing, and back in the INSPIRATION game.  I'd love it if there were more INSPIRATION than PERSPIRATION in my life right now -- even if there is a heatwave coming this week.

What's your hangup?  Go for it.  Oh, and let me know, and you can be mentioned as the blog-inspirer (for the second time) here tomorrow.  Meanwhile, go read Meredith's entry, and cheer her on!



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